STUNner Tutorial

Headless deployment: Direct one to one video call via STUNner

This tutorial showcases the headless deployment model of STUNner, that is, when WebRTC clients connect to each other directly via STUNner, without going through a media server.

In this demo you will learn how to:

  • integrate a typical WebRTC application server with STUNner,
  • configure STUNner as a headless STUN/TURN server,
  • use the STUNner authentication service to generate valid ICE configurations for clients, and
  • test STUNner from a browser with live video traffic.



The tutorial assumes a fresh STUNner installation; see the STUNner installation and configuration guide. Create a namespace called stunner if there is none. You need a WebRTC-compatible browser to run this tutorial. Basically any modern browser will do; we usually test our WebRTC applications with Firefox.


The tutorial has been adopted from the Kurento one-to-one video call tutorial, but we have dropped the media server so that clients will connect to each other directly via STUNner. We will deploy a Node.js application server into Kubernetes: this will serve the main HTML page with the embedded video viewports and download the client-side JavaScript code to the browsers.

STUNner standalone deployment architecture

Note that transcoding/transsizing and other media server goodies are not available in this setup: the clients must be fully compatible to be able to establish an audio/video session in this case. Consult the one to one video call with Kurento tutorial to learn how to set up a fully-fledged media server behind STUNner.

Application server

The application server implements a simple JSON/WebSocket API for two browser clients to establish a two-party call. The caller and the callee will connect to each other via STUNner as the TURN server, without the mediation of a media server.

As the first step, each client registers a unique username with the application server by sending a register message, which the server acknowledges in a registerResponse message. To start a call, the caller sets up a WebRTC PeerConnection, generates an SDP Offer, and sends it along to the application server in a call message. The application server forwards the SDP Offer to the callee in an incomingCall message. If accepting the call, the callee sets up a WebRTC PeerConnection, generates an SDP Answer, and returns it in an incomingCallResponse message to the application server. The SDP Answer is then forwarded back to the caller in a callResponse message. Meanwhile, the caller and the callee exchange ICE candidates in the background. Once the ICE process connects, the caller and the callee start to exchange audio/video frames via STUNner until one of the parties sends a stop message to the application server to terminate the call.

In order start the ICE conversation using STUNner as the STUN/TURN server, the browsers will need to learn an ICE server configuration from the application server with STUNner's external IP addresses/ports and the required STUN/TURN credentials. This must happen before the PeerConnection is created in the clients: once the PeerConnection is running we can no longer change the ICE configuration.

We solve this problem by (1) generating a new ICE configuration every time a new client registers with the application server and (2) sending the ICE configuration back to the client in the registerResponse message. Note that this choice is suboptimal for time-locked STUNner authentication modes (i.e., the ephemeral mode, see below), because clients' STUN/TURN credentials might expire by the time they decide to connect. It is up to the application server developer to make sure that clients' ICE server configuration is periodically updated.

The default STUNner install contains a utility called the STUNner authentication service that is purposed specifically to generate ICE configurations for the application server. The service watches the running STUNner configuration(s) from the Kubernetes API server and makes sure to generate STUN/TURN credentials and ICE server configuration from the most recent STUNner config.

The full application server code can be found here; below we summarize the most important steps needed to call the STUNner authentication service in the application to generate an ICE config for each client.

  1. Define the address and the port of the STUNner authentication service as environment variables for the application server pod. This will allow the application server to query the STUNner authentication server for TURN credentials. By default, the authentication service is available at the address stunner-auth.stunner-system.svc.cluster.local on port TCP 8088 over HTTP, these defaults can be overridden using the STUNNER_AUTH_ADDR and STUNNER_AUTH_PORT environment variables. The ICE configuration returned by the auth service will contain an URI for each public STUNner Gateway: you can filter on particular Kubernetes namespaces, gateways or gateway listeners by the STUNNER_NAMESPACE, STUNNER_GATEWAY and STUNNER_LISTENER environment variables. Since WebRTC media will be ingested into he cluster over the UDP listener called udp-listener on the STUNner Gateway called udp-gateway deployed into the stunner namespace, the Kubernetes manifest for the application server will look like the below.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: webrtc-server
      - name: webrtc-server
        image: l7mp/direct-one2one-call-server
        command: ["npm"]
        args: ["start", "--", "--as_uri="]
        - name: STUNNER_AUTH_ADDR
          value: "stunner-auth.stunner-system.svc.cluster.local"
        - name: STUNNER_AUTH_PORT
          value: "8088"
        - name: STUNNER_NAMESPACE
          value: "stunner"
        - name: STUNNER_GATEWAY
          value: "udp-gateway"
        - name: STUNNER_LISTENER
          value: "udp-listener"
  1. Modify the application server code to query the STUNner authentication server every time a valid ICE config in needed. In particular, the code will generate a new ICE configuration before returning a registerResponse to the client and piggyback it on the response message.
function register(id, name, ws, callback) {
  try {
     let options = {
       host: process.env.STUNNER_AUTH_ADDR,
       port: process.env.STUNNER_AUTH_PORT,
       method: 'GET',
       path: url.format({
         pathname: '/ice',
         query: {
           service: "turn",
           username: name,
           iceTransportPolicy: "relay",
           namespace: process.env.STUNNER_NAMESPACE,
           gateway: process.env.STUNNER_GATEWAY,
           listener: process.env.STUNNER_LISTENER,
     var request_data = http.request(options, function (res) {
         var response = '';
         res.on('data', function (chunk) {
             response += chunk;
         res.on('end', function () {
             iceConfData += response;
             const iceConfiguration = JSON.parse(iceConfData);
             ws.send(JSON.stringify({id: 'registerResponse', response: 'accepted', iceConfiguration: iceConfiguration}));
  1. Next, modify the client-side JavaScript code to parse the ICE configuration received from the application server from the registerResponse message.
var iceConfiguration;

function resgisterResponse(message) {
  if (message.response == 'accepted') {
    iceConfiguration = message.iceConfiguration;
  1. Then, every time the client calls the PeerConnection constructor pass in the stored ICE configuration. Note that kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendrecv is a small wrapper that makes it more convenient to create PeerConnections with Kurento.
var options = {
  configuration: iceConfiguration,

webRtcPeer = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendrecv(options, ...);

Eventually, the call setup process will look like this.

Call setup

You can build the application server container locally from the tutorial repo, or you can use the below manifest to fire up the prebuilt container image in a single step. This will deploy the application server into the stunner namespace and exposes it in the Kubernetes LoadBalancer service called webrtc-server.

kubectl apply -f docs/examples/direct-one2one-call/direct-one2one-call-server.yaml

STUNner configuration

Next, we deploy STUNner into Kubernetes. The manifest below will set up a minimal STUNner gateway hierarchy to do just that: the setup includes two Gateway listeners, one at UDP:3478 and another one at TCP:3478, plus and a UDPRoute.

kubectl apply -f docs/examples/direct-one2one-call/direct-one2one-call-stunner.yaml

The most important component in the STUNner configuration is the Gateway: this will expose a public TURN server on the UDP port 3478 through which clients will connect to each other.

kind: Gateway
  name: udp-gateway
  namespace: stunner
  gatewayClassName: stunner-gatewayclass
    - name: udp-listener
      port: 3478
      protocol: TURN-UDP

For later convenience we also create a TCP Gateway that runs on port TCP:3478.

We still need to ensure that STUNner will loop back client connections to itself. This is required by the headless model, since in this case the only way for clients to connect to each other is via the transport relay connections created by STUNner. The rest, that is, cross-connecting the clients' media streams, is just pure TURN magic.

Here is the corresponding UDPRoute. Note that the route attaches itself to both the UDP and the TCP Gateway, so no matter on which gateway the client connects via our UDPRoute will apply. Observe also that the backend Services are the Gateway pods themselves: this makes sure that two clients that happen to connect via different Gateway pods still connect to each other.

kind: UDPRoute
  name: stunner-headless
  namespace: stunner
    - name: udp-gateway
    - name: tcp-gateway
    - backendRefs:
        - name: udp-gateway
          namespace: stunner
        - name: tcp-gateway
          namespace: stunner

Noe that the stunner/udp-gateway and stunner/tcp-gateway Kubernetes Services are automatically created by STUNner to expose your Gateways, here we merely reuse these as backends.

Check your configuration

Check whether you have all the necessary objects installed into the stunner namespace.

kubectl get gatewayconfigs,gateways, -n stunner
NAME                                                  REALM             DATAPLANE   AGE   default     2m50s

NAME                                            CLASS                  ADDRESS          PROGRAMMED   AGE   stunner-gatewayclass   True         2m50s   stunner-gatewayclass    True         2m50s

NAME                                        AGE   2m50s

You can also use the handy stunnerctl CLI tool to dump the running STUNner configuration. Make sure to issue make build first to build stunnerctl, along with a set of other handy STUNner utilities, in the bin/ directory. Below is the human-readable config of the Gateway called udp-gateway:

bin/stunnerctl -n stunner config udp-gateway
Gateway: stunner/udp-gateway (loglevel: "all:INFO")
Authentication type: static, username/password: user-1/pass-1
  - Name: stunner/udp-gateway/udp-listener
    Protocol: TURN-UDP
    Public address:port:
    Routes: [stunner/stunner-headless]
    Endpoints: ...

Run the test

At this point, everything should be set up to make a video-call from your browser via STUNner. Learn the external IP address Kubernetes assigned to the LoadBalancer service of the application server.

export WEBRTC_SERVER_IP=$(kubectl get service webrtc-server -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Then, open https://${WEBRTC_SERVER_IP}:8443 in your browser, accept the self-signed TLS certificate, register a user, repeat this process in an another browser window using a different user name, then call one user from the other and enjoy a nice video-conference with yourself.

What is going on here?

The HTML page served by the application server contains a handy console port, which allows to track the call setup process. We use the logs from one of the clients to demonstrate call establishment with STUNner.

  • After registering with the application server, the console should show the content of the registerResponse message. If all goes well, the response should show the ICE configuration returned by the application server. The configuration should contain two TURN URIs for the two gateways we have created in STUNner: one with UDP transport and another one with TCP. In addition, the authentication credentials and the public IP addresses and ports should match those in the output of stunnerctl.
  "id": "registerResponse",
  "response": "accepted",
  "iceConfiguration": {
    "iceServers": [
        "urls": ["turn:"],
        "username": "user-1",
        "credential": "pass-1"
        "urls": ["turn:"],
        "username": "user-1",
        "credential": "pass-1"
    "iceTransportPolicy": "relay"
  • Once configured with the above ICE server configuration, the browser will ask STUNner to open a TURN transport relay connection for sending/receiving the media stream and generates a local ICE candidate for each relay connection it creates. Note that only TURN-relay candidates are generated: host and server-reflexive candidates would not work with STUNner anyway. (This is why we set the iceTransportPolicy to type relay in the ICE server configuration above.) Locally generated ICE candidates are sent by the browser to the application server, which in turn passes them over verbatim to the other client.
Sending message: {[...] "candidate:0 1 UDP 92020735 44703 typ relay raddr rport 44703" [...]}

Observe that the ICE candidate contains a private IP address ( in this case) as the TURN relay connection address: this just happens to be the IP address of the STUNner pod that receives the TURN allocation request from the browser.

  • The ICE candidate generated by a client is received by the other client as a remote ICE candidate. The process is executed in the other direction as well, so that eventually both parties will have a set of local and remote ICE candidates they can probe for connectivity.
Received message: {[...] "candidate:0 1 UDP 92020735 57511 typ relay raddr rport 57511", [...]}
  • Once ICE candidates are exchanged, the browsers perform a connectivity check on each candidate pair. With STUNner this usually succeeds with the first pair.

After connecting, audio and video start to flow between the two clients via the UDP/TURN connection opened on STUNner. Note that browsers can be behind any type of NAT: STUNner makes sure that whatever aggressive middlebox exists between itself and a client, media traffic will still flow seamlessly.


Like in any sufficiently complex application, there are lots of moving parts in a Kubernetes-based WebRTC service and many things can go wrong. Below is a list of steps to help debugging STUNner.

  • Cannot reach the application server: Make sure that the LoadBalancer IP is reachable and the TCP port 8443 is available from your client.
  • No ICE candidate appears: Most probably this occurs because the browser's ICE configuration does not match the running STUNner config. Check that the ICE configuration returned by the application server in the registerResponse message matches the output of stunnerctl config. Examine the stunner pods' logs (kubectl logs...): permission-denied messages typically indicate that STUN/TURN authentication was unsuccessful.
  • No audio/video-connection: This is most probably due to a communication issue between your client and STUNner. Try disabling STUNner's UDP Gateway and force the browser to use TCP.
  • Still no connection: follow the excellent TURN troubleshooting guide to track down the issue. Remember: your ultimate friends tcpdump and Wireshark are always there for you to help!

Clean up

Delete the demo deployment using the below command:

kubectl delete -f docs/examples/direct-one2one-call/direct-one2one-call-server.yaml
kubectl delete -f docs/examples/direct-one2one-call/direct-one2one-call-stunner.yaml


STUNner development is coordinated in Discord, feel free to join.